Looking to purchase insurance for your hearing aids? Ask your hearing health provider if they offer My Essentials coverage.

Your patients.
Your relationships.

My Essentials is the only company that offers hearing aid protection plans exclusively through providers.

Learn More

5 ways My Essentials boosts your business

Offering My Essentials to your patients costs you nothing, and we provide all the resources you need to be successful.


Your patients gain immediate value and reassurance from My Essentials coverage


As the provider, you get your patients’ gratitude and loyalty


Each patient you enroll for coverage generates revenue for your business


Registering as a provider partner is free—and hassle-free


Your patients can only purchase My Essentials coverage through you at the point of sale

We never market or sell coverage directly to patients.

What makes My Essentials plans different?

My Essentials is the only company that delivers extra protection for hearing aids during the manufacturer’s warranty period—unlike our competitors, whose policies take effect after the manufacturer’s warranty benefit has been exhausted. This means hearing aids are covered from Day 1 and protected before the first event ever occurs. So your patient saves money. And so do you.

In-warranty loss & damage supplemental coverage

$0 deductible coverage effective Day 1 for the length of the manufacturer’s warranty

$0 out of pocket for your patient at the time of repair or replacement

$0 out of pocket for you at the time of repair and replacement

Your patient works with you to repair or replace their hearing aids. My Essentials reimburses you for providing these services.

Free charger replacement and other patient benefits for the life of the plan

Plan options for every patient

My Essentials supports your business model, which relies on helping patients select new hearing aids at the expiration of the manufacturer’s warranty. We also know that some patients need a little more time to make that new purchase. With My Essentials, you can choose the combination of plan options that best suit your patients and your business.

You can choose to offer:

In-warranty supplemental plans only

Optional out-of-warranty plan extensions

  • Renewable through Year 5 after hearing aid purchase
  • Choose to offer repair/replacement or repair-only plans at the expiration of the manufacturer’s warranty
  • Also available to your patients who use their My Essential in-warranty benefit on a claim and want to extend coverage through the duration of the manufacturer’s warranty

Optional repair-only plans

Battery-delivery program choices

Referral program rewards patients who refer their friends and family to you

Connect with My Essentials today

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Manufacturers you sell*
Top 3 by volume